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research and projects from varieties of subjects used to enhance learning 

The Walker Memorial Academy seeks to inspire thoughtful citizens who are passionate about exploration and problem solving. It encourages students to be curious about the natural world, critical thinkers, innovative, and independent yet collaborative.


At Walker Memorial Academy, we tackle key issues in science, literature, biblical and archaeological studies with comprehensive hands-on research. 


Authentic learning learning occurs through the expeditions of Eagle Eye and Archaeology where students test the water quality of a local lake and work alongside professional archaeologists excavating a prehistoric village site.


The landscape itself has its own lessons to teach.  As students become more familiar with the workings of the natural world, they can begin to cultivate certain habits of interaction. Attentiveness, for instance, is an essential tool for learning about natural processes.


To facilitate the interaction between technology and education, each student is issued an Apple iPad at the beginning of their time within the 7th - 10th grades.


Through their education, Walker Memorial Academy graduates will be better prepared to make valuable contributions to society.

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